Update (1.2.2013) 10am
Noch hat sich der Sturm im Wasserglass nicht ganz beruhigt, aber er koennte... lesen Sie weiter...
Die Boykott-Seite gegen Blake Shelton hat mittlerweile ueber 1250 Mitglieder und waechst immer noch regelmaessig. Wie Sie auf der Seite sehen koennen, hat sich auch Ruhmeshalle-Mitglied Jean Shepard zu Wort gemeldet, und Shelton als "Bullshiter" (Kuhscheisser) bezeichnet.
Willie Nelson hat seine gegenwaertige Tournee, er spielte unter anderem auch an der Amtseinfuehrung von US-Praesident Barack Obama, nun in "Old Farts and Jackass Tour" (Alte Scheisser und bloede Esel) umbenannt. Als selbsternannter Mitleiter der "Old Farts"-Partei nahm er am Anlass, ganz in schwarz, eingedecckt vom Mode-Designer Levi Strauss, teil. Mit einem lustigen Seitenhieb - es ist nicht klar ob Beyonce an den Feierlich-keiten ab Band sang - proklamierte er auch, dass seine Musik kein "Willlie Vanillie" ist und dass er vor dem US-Kongress bezeugen kann, dass Country-Musik hier iin guten Haenden ist. Mehr dazu auf seiner Webseite - www.willienelson.com
Und seit gestern Abend zirkuliert auch eine Twitter-Photo von Shelton Gattin, Miranda Lambert, die ihren Ehemann mit Ray Price auf seinem Bus abgeknipst hat. Miranda und Blake besuchten Ray bevor seiner Show im Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma und begruben das Kriegsbeil. Betitelt hat sie das Bild mit "Country-Musik verbindet uns. Wir sind eine Familie. Fuer immer und immer. Heute abend war es eine Feier von Freunden und Helden."
Als naechstes auf der Liste fuer Blake - sich mit Willie Nelson und Jean Shepard zu versoehnen. Gluecklich fuehlen kann sich Blake, dass das urpsruengliche Video (siehe unten) wegen "Urheberrechten" aus dem Verkehr gezogen wurde.
Update (25.1.2013 2:11pm)
Auch Dale Watson liess von sich hoeren und zwar von seiner gegenwaertigen Europa-Tour, aus Antwerpen, Belgien lud er den folgenden Clip fuer Flake Shelton hoch:
Die Facebook - Fanpage fuer Miranda und Blake Shelton musste heute morgen geschlosssen werden, da sich zu viele Leute negative auf der Pinnwand gegen Blake geaeussert haben.
Die untenstehende Seite, braucht all Eure "Likes", nur mit einem Boykott wird BS wohl etwas Anstand lernen. In 24 Stunden haben sich schon ueber 500 Leute zum boykottieren von Blake eingefunden.
--------------------------------------------Unten folgt der Original Blog:------------------
Obwohl er dem Unterhal-tungs-Magazin US Weekly versprochen hatte, dass einer seiner Neujahrsvorsaetze weniger Kontroverse in den Sozialen Medien sein wird -(nach dem Motto - halt die Schnauze und beweg die Finger nicht) - hat es Blake Shelton (kaum sind wir vier Wochen im neuen Jahr) erneut fertiggebracht in einen grossen Scheisshaufen zu treten. Dieses Mal allerdings in eher traditionelleren Medien, gegenueber dem Fernsehsender GAC (Great American Country) meinte Blake Shelten in einem Biografie-Segment "Backstory":
"Als 'Male Vocalist of the Year' (bester Saenger des Jahres) bin ich eine der Personen, die nun entscheidet wie und ob sich Country-Musik weiterentwickelt. Um zu Ueberleben, muss sich die Musik weiter evolvieren. Niemand will sich die Musik der Grosselteren anhoeren. Und mir ist es gleich, wie viele der "alten Scheisser" in Nashville meine Musik als "Nicht"-Country bezeichnen. Diese bloeden Esel kaufen eh keine Musik mehr. Die Jugendlichen kaufen immer noch CDs und die wollen nicht das kaufen, was fuer die Alten hier war."
Der Original-O-Ton findet sich nach 14 Minuten 25 Sekunden
Und natuerlich, nachdem er sich letztes Jahr zuerst ueber die Schwulen, mit einem abgeaenderten Shania Twain Song lustig gemacht hat und dann Tierliebhaber mit der Bemerkung, dass er eben ne Schildkroete ueberfahren hat, vergrault hat - reisst er den Mund erneut auf, obwohl er gar nicht beim Zahnarzt ist.
Dieses Mal, so scheint es, hat er allerdings die Rechnung ohne den Wirt gemacht. Er hat hier nicht nur eine Minderheit beleidigt, sondern die grosse Mehrheit der US Country-Musik Liebhaber, die schon laengst die Nase mit dem Pop-Country-Sound aus Nashville gestrichen voll haben.
Sich gar nicht gefreut, hat sich der 87jaehrige, zweifache Grammy-Gewinner und Country-Musik-Ruhmeshalle-Mitglied Ray Price. Nachdem er die Aussagen von BS im Facebook-Forum "Saving Country Music" sah, begann er auf seiner eigenen Facebook-Seite zu kommentieren. Die Karriere von Shelton bezeichnete er im uebertragenen Sinne als ein Strohfeuer und wunderte sich laut, wo Sheltons Errungenschaften in 63 Jahren wohl sein werden. Mit "Dummheit regiert" schloss er seinen Kommentar und zeichnete das ganze am Schluss mit "Chef der alten Scheisser und bloeden Esel"
Auch Country-Musik Komoediant Ray Stevens meldete sich dank seines Publizisten zu Wort und wunderte sich, wie Shelton wohl mit "Alte Scheisser und bloeder Esel" den Titel seiner naechsten, ach so geheimen Single herausfinden konnte. Er versprach den Song auf Vinyl, 8-Track im naechsten "Tower Records" Laden zu veroeffentlichen. Damit sprach Stevens auf die guten, alten Zeiten an, Vinyl und 8-Track-Kassetten und die frueher legendaere aber heute bankrotte Plattenladen-Kette "Towers" sind fast vollstaendig verschwunden.
Blake meldete sich am Nachmittag (24.1.) endlich auf seinem Twitter-Account @blakeshelton zu Wort, aber wie Ihr den zusammengesetzten Nachrichten entnhemen koennt, ohne grosses Einfuehlungsvermoegen.
Whoa!!! I heard I offended one of my all time favorite artists Ray Price by my statement “Nobody wants to listen to their grandpas music”..And probably some other things from that same interview on GAC Backstory.. I hate that I upset him.. The truth is my statement was and STILL Is about how we as the new generation of country artists have to keep re-inventing country music to keep it popular. Just EXACTLY… The way Mr. Price did along hid journey as a main stream country artist.. Pushing the boundaries with his records. “For The Goodtimes” Perfect example with the introduction of a bigger orchestrated sound in country music.. It was new and awesome!!! I absolutely have no doubt I could have worded it better(as always ha!) and I apologize to Mr. Price and any other heroes of mine that it may offended.. I meant every word I said. Country music is my life and it’s future AND past is important to me. I’ll put my Lo(v)e and respect and knowledge About it up against anybody out there… ANYBODY…
Der wichtigste Satz in seiner Entschuldigung ist wohl "...wie wir als neue Generation der Country-Musik Artisten die Musik immer wieder neuerfinden muessen, um sie populaer zu behalten."
Da mag er zum Teil recht haben, Musik hat sich immer entwickelt, was er allerdings hier auch zugibt, ist dass sich die Artisten heute anpassen muessen, wenn sie am Radio gespielt werden wollen. Wenn wir dies mit einem Waylon Jennings vergleichen, dann war es damals genau das Gegenteil. Man setzte sich damals mit der eigenen Kreativitaet vom Radio ab, ob man nun gespielt wurde oder nicht und behielt so, aber auch die Kontrolle ueber die eigenen Schoepfungen.
Zum Zweiten - Blakes Aussagen verletzen nicht nur, sondern es sind auch glattweg alles Luegen - es sind gerade die "Alten Scheisser und bloeden Esel", die sich neue Alben leisten koennen und sie nicht einfach vom Internet piratenmaessig runterladen. Aber dieses Segement kauft die Musik derjenigen Artisten, die sie moegen.
Und die Zahlen sprechen fuer sich, die Hoerer schauen sich anderswo rum, um ihre Musik hoeren zu koennen, erneut sind die Werbeeinnahmen bei kommerziellen Radios letztes Jahr (trotz Olympiade und Wahlkampf) gesunken. Leute hoeren sich vermehrt oeffentlich-rechtliches, Satelliten- und Spezial-Radios ueber die traditionellen Wellen an. Im texanischen Austin wurde die Radiostation KOKE-FM der 70er Jahre, die die ganze Country-Musik-"Outlaw"-Szene populaer machte, wieder aus der Asche gehoben und etablierte sich sofort im neuen (alten) Markt. Auch Internet-Radiostationen wie Gaylon Kings "TexasPrideRadio" der unter der Woche taeglich drei Stunden klassische Musik anbietet, werden von den Zuhoerern mehr und mehr gewaelt. Und dann gibt es noch all die "selbst"-programmierten Radiostationen fuers Smartphone, iPad und den Computer.
Zum Abschluss hab ich Ray Prices "You Don't Love Me Anymore" von seinem 2002er Album "Time" angefuegt. John Morthland schrieb damals in seiner Review zum Album, "... hoert sich nicht nostalgisch an, sondern als eloquenter Ausweis eines gekonnten Meisters, der weiss, dass er halt immer noch was zu bieten hat..."
OriginalBlog (english): http://countrymusicinthenews.blogspot.com/2013/01/more-bs-bullshit-from-blake-shelton.html
Quellen: GAC / Backstory (youtube) http://www.savingcountrymusic.com/blake-shelton-calls-classic-country-fans-old-farts-jackasses http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ray-Price/368389809921178 https://twitter.com/blakeshelton www.kokefm.com www.texasprideradio.com
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Friday, January 25, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Is The Riot over - Blake and Ray meet
Update (2/1/2013) 11am
The riot may be over... continue reading...
There is a new picture - taken by Shelton's wife Miranda Lambert, circulating on Twitter and some Facebook pages; it depicts Ray Price and Blake Shelton, meeting on Ray's tour bus outside of his show at the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma. Miranda and Blake obviously visited with the Hall of Famer to bury the hatchet. Miranda commented on the picture as follows "Country music binds us together! We are a family. Forever and always. Tonight was a celebration of friends and hero's (sic)." According to other sources, Blake was even introduced by Price on stage".
But the boycott is continuing, the facebook page, dedicated to boycott loud mouth Blake Shelton, counts over 1250 members by now and is still growing. As you may see, by clicking on the site, Grand Ole Opry legend Jean Shepard came out to reflect on Shellton's initial BS, and basically called him to be full of it.
Willie Nelson renamed his current tour, he was among other shows part of President Barack Obama's inauguration celebration, into the "Old Farts and Jackass"-Tour in response to Shelton's comment (see below in original post). As self-proclaimed co-leader of the "Old Farts" party, he not only shared with us, that he was completely dressed in black by "designer" Levi Strauss, but also chipped in, into the controversy if Beyonce lip-synched at the festivities. He assures us that his music is no "Willlie Vanillie" and that he can testify in front of Congress that country music is in good hands (with him). Read more about the funny Wille updates on his website - www.willienelson.com
Next up for Blake - to reconcile with Willie Nelson and Jean Shepard. One thing that may help Blake in this undertaking is, that the original video was withdrawn from circulation because of "copyright" issues. (Really?!)
2nd Update (2013-01-25 2:11pm
Dale Watson chipped in with a song sent from Antwerp, Belgium - enjoy
The fanpage Miranda & Blake on facebook had to close down it's wall postisngs...
The page's likes below keep on growing, adding over 250 likes in roughly 12 hours, keep on going there and click that "like"
Update (2013-01-24 11:11pm) - there is now a page on facebook that asks for boycotting Blake Shelton, I dare you to like it, the more the better...
--------------------------------------------Original post below:----------------------------------------------------
Even though he told US Weekly that one of his New Year's resolution is to "keep the peace" on Social Media (as in his mouth shut and his twitter fingers numb), he stepped in a big pile of BS again. This time with a traditional media outlet, GAC TV in one of their biographical segments called "Backstory" and we are not yet four weeks into the New Year.
"If I am 'Male Vocalist of the Year' that must mean that I’m one of those people now that gets to decide if it moves forward and if it moves on. Country music has to evolve in order to survive. Nobody wants to listen to their grandpa’s music. And I don’t care how many of these old farts around Nashville going, “My God, that ain’t country!” Well that’s because you don’t buy records anymore, jackass. The kids do, and they don’t want to buy the music you were buying."
You can find the original quote at the very end of the tape at 14'25"
And sure enough, after offending gays, when he published rewritten verses for a Shania Twain song, and after upsetting animal lovers for killing a tortoise by just drivin' over it, his mouth needs a good washin' with a bar of soap again.
Well this time he didn't just upset a certain segment, but almost all of the people of whole genre of music, by not acknowledging the tradition and history of Country Music and basically piss on it!
That didn't sit to well, with 87-year old two time Grammy Award winner and Country Music Hall of Fame member Ray Price. After seeing the threat in "Saving Country Music," he commented on his facebook page, comparing Shelton's career as a flash in the pan and wondering out loud, where Shelton's accomplishments may be in 63 years from now.
Also commenting on the whole upheaval was Country Comedian Ray Stevens, through his publicist: "... 'Old Farts and Jackasses', all I want to know is how he found out the title to my next single because it's been a closely guarded secret here at the "Home." He also promised to release the single on vinyl or 8-Track at your nearest Tower Records store, therefore having some fun with the "old ways of music distribution."
Blake finally came out in the afternoon and started tweeting apologies from his twitter account @blakeshelton (pasted together...)
Whoa!!! I heard I offended one of my all time favorite artists Ray Price by my statement “Nobody wants to listen to their grandpas music”..And probably some other things from that same interview on GAC Backstory.. I hate that I upset him.. The truth is my statement was and STILL Is about how we as the new generation of country artists have to keep re-inventing country music to keep it popular. Just EXACTLY… The way Mr. Price did along hid journey as a main stream country artist.. Pushing the boundaries with his records. “For The Goodtimes” Perfect example with the introduction of a bigger orchestrated sound in country music.. It was new and awesome!!! I absolutely have no doubt I could have worded it better(as always ha!) and I apologize to Mr. Price and any other heroes of mine that it may offended.. I meant every word I said. Country music is my life and it’s future AND past is important to me. I’ll put my Lo(v)e and respect and knowledge About it up against anybody out there… ANYBODY…
Well nice try and I do see hand reaching out for peace, but he's still unapologetic, thinks that his words were taken out of context. He was also high-fiving fans who told him they would stand by him any which way...
Sorry Blake but in my opinion that just doesn't work. And yes your statement is not just hurtful, but also deceiving, it's the old farts and jackasses who still buy music, but it's music that matters to them from artists that matter to them. And yes people are tuning out of the commercial crap offered on the airwaves - instead they listen to more public, satellite or other radio-stations that cater to them (eg KOKE FM in Austin). Or they tune into internet stations, like TexasPrideRadio.com or have their own programs (like Pandora) on their phones, iPads or computers.
But I don't want to finish this with a sour note - below is "chief old fart and jackass" Ray Price - with the opening track of his 2002 album "Time", the lovely shuffle "You Just Don't Love Me Anymore". John Morthland wrote in his review about this album, "doesn't come across as nostalgic, but rather as the eloquent statement of a masterful artist who knows he's just not done quite yet, thank you."
Sources: GAC / Backstory (youtube) http://www.savingcountrymusic.com/blake-shelton-calls-classic-country-fans-old-farts-jackasses http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ray-Price/368389809921178 https://twitter.com/blakeshelton www.kokefm.com www.texasprideradio.com
The riot may be over... continue reading...
There is a new picture - taken by Shelton's wife Miranda Lambert, circulating on Twitter and some Facebook pages; it depicts Ray Price and Blake Shelton, meeting on Ray's tour bus outside of his show at the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durant, Oklahoma. Miranda and Blake obviously visited with the Hall of Famer to bury the hatchet. Miranda commented on the picture as follows "Country music binds us together! We are a family. Forever and always. Tonight was a celebration of friends and hero's (sic)." According to other sources, Blake was even introduced by Price on stage".
But the boycott is continuing, the facebook page, dedicated to boycott loud mouth Blake Shelton, counts over 1250 members by now and is still growing. As you may see, by clicking on the site, Grand Ole Opry legend Jean Shepard came out to reflect on Shellton's initial BS, and basically called him to be full of it.
Willie Nelson renamed his current tour, he was among other shows part of President Barack Obama's inauguration celebration, into the "Old Farts and Jackass"-Tour in response to Shelton's comment (see below in original post). As self-proclaimed co-leader of the "Old Farts" party, he not only shared with us, that he was completely dressed in black by "designer" Levi Strauss, but also chipped in, into the controversy if Beyonce lip-synched at the festivities. He assures us that his music is no "Willlie Vanillie" and that he can testify in front of Congress that country music is in good hands (with him). Read more about the funny Wille updates on his website - www.willienelson.com
Next up for Blake - to reconcile with Willie Nelson and Jean Shepard. One thing that may help Blake in this undertaking is, that the original video was withdrawn from circulation because of "copyright" issues. (Really?!)
2nd Update (2013-01-25 2:11pm
Dale Watson chipped in with a song sent from Antwerp, Belgium - enjoy
The fanpage Miranda & Blake on facebook had to close down it's wall postisngs...
The page's likes below keep on growing, adding over 250 likes in roughly 12 hours, keep on going there and click that "like"
Update (2013-01-24 11:11pm) - there is now a page on facebook that asks for boycotting Blake Shelton, I dare you to like it, the more the better...
--------------------------------------------Original post below:----------------------------------------------------
Even though he told US Weekly that one of his New Year's resolution is to "keep the peace" on Social Media (as in his mouth shut and his twitter fingers numb), he stepped in a big pile of BS again. This time with a traditional media outlet, GAC TV in one of their biographical segments called "Backstory" and we are not yet four weeks into the New Year.
"If I am 'Male Vocalist of the Year' that must mean that I’m one of those people now that gets to decide if it moves forward and if it moves on. Country music has to evolve in order to survive. Nobody wants to listen to their grandpa’s music. And I don’t care how many of these old farts around Nashville going, “My God, that ain’t country!” Well that’s because you don’t buy records anymore, jackass. The kids do, and they don’t want to buy the music you were buying."
You can find the original quote at the very end of the tape at 14'25"
And sure enough, after offending gays, when he published rewritten verses for a Shania Twain song, and after upsetting animal lovers for killing a tortoise by just drivin' over it, his mouth needs a good washin' with a bar of soap again.
Well this time he didn't just upset a certain segment, but almost all of the people of whole genre of music, by not acknowledging the tradition and history of Country Music and basically piss on it!
![]() |
Screenshot of Ray Price's fb page |
Also commenting on the whole upheaval was Country Comedian Ray Stevens, through his publicist: "... 'Old Farts and Jackasses', all I want to know is how he found out the title to my next single because it's been a closely guarded secret here at the "Home." He also promised to release the single on vinyl or 8-Track at your nearest Tower Records store, therefore having some fun with the "old ways of music distribution."
Blake finally came out in the afternoon and started tweeting apologies from his twitter account @blakeshelton (pasted together...)
Whoa!!! I heard I offended one of my all time favorite artists Ray Price by my statement “Nobody wants to listen to their grandpas music”..And probably some other things from that same interview on GAC Backstory.. I hate that I upset him.. The truth is my statement was and STILL Is about how we as the new generation of country artists have to keep re-inventing country music to keep it popular. Just EXACTLY… The way Mr. Price did along hid journey as a main stream country artist.. Pushing the boundaries with his records. “For The Goodtimes” Perfect example with the introduction of a bigger orchestrated sound in country music.. It was new and awesome!!! I absolutely have no doubt I could have worded it better(as always ha!) and I apologize to Mr. Price and any other heroes of mine that it may offended.. I meant every word I said. Country music is my life and it’s future AND past is important to me. I’ll put my Lo(v)e and respect and knowledge About it up against anybody out there… ANYBODY…
Well nice try and I do see hand reaching out for peace, but he's still unapologetic, thinks that his words were taken out of context. He was also high-fiving fans who told him they would stand by him any which way...
Sorry Blake but in my opinion that just doesn't work. And yes your statement is not just hurtful, but also deceiving, it's the old farts and jackasses who still buy music, but it's music that matters to them from artists that matter to them. And yes people are tuning out of the commercial crap offered on the airwaves - instead they listen to more public, satellite or other radio-stations that cater to them (eg KOKE FM in Austin). Or they tune into internet stations, like TexasPrideRadio.com or have their own programs (like Pandora) on their phones, iPads or computers.
But I don't want to finish this with a sour note - below is "chief old fart and jackass" Ray Price - with the opening track of his 2002 album "Time", the lovely shuffle "You Just Don't Love Me Anymore". John Morthland wrote in his review about this album, "doesn't come across as nostalgic, but rather as the eloquent statement of a masterful artist who knows he's just not done quite yet, thank you."
Sources: GAC / Backstory (youtube) http://www.savingcountrymusic.com/blake-shelton-calls-classic-country-fans-old-farts-jackasses http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ray-Price/368389809921178 https://twitter.com/blakeshelton www.kokefm.com www.texasprideradio.com
Blake Shelton,
Country Music,
Country Music News,
GAC Backstory,
Old Farts,
Ray Price,
Saving Country Music,
You Just Don't Love Me Anymore
Friday, January 4, 2013
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No es bonita - pero con punta de acero y seguro! - Not pretty, but with steel toe and safe! |
I hardly ever wear any shoes, mostly cowboy boots, flip-flops or I just like to wander around, being barefooted. But for certain side jobs, you rely on sturdy, safe shoes with a steel plate guarding your toes. As you can tell, my shoes (and I) have been through quite some stuff. Yeah, I gotta super glue that sole back on, one of these days.
The brand Brahma sells at Walmart & Sears and are normally quite cheaper than Caterpillars, John Deere, Wolverines or Timberlands.
Eigentlich trage ich fast nie Schuhe, entweder Cowboy Stiefel, Sandalen oder wandere barfuss durch die Gegend. Fuer einige Neben-"Berufe" verlasse ich mich allerdings auf stahlverstaerkte, Zehen sicherende Schuhe. Wie man der Foto entnehmen kann, haben diese Schuhe (und ich) einiges erlebt. Eines Tages werde ich wohl auch die Sohle mit Industrieleim wieder befestigen koennen.,
Brahma kosten zudem nur etwa die Haelfte was ansonsten Timberland fuer Konstruktionsschuhe verlangt.
Theme: Shoes / Zapata / Schuhe
Caption: No es bonita - pero con punta de acero y seguro! - Not pretty, but with steel toe and safe!
Hardware/Software: Motorola Droid / Instagram, Picasa
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No es bonita - pero con punta de acero y seguro! - Not pretty, but with steel toe and safe! |
I hardly ever wear any shoes, mostly cowboy boots, flip-flops or I just like to wander around, being barefooted. But for certain side jobs, you rely on sturdy, safe shoes with a steel plate guarding your toes. As you can tell, my shoes (and I) have been through quite some stuff. Yeah, I gotta super glue that sole back on, one of these days.
The brand Brahma sells at Walmart & Sears and are normally quite cheaper than Caterpillars, John Deere, Wolverines or Timberlands.
Eigentlich trage ich fast nie Schuhe, entweder Cowboy Stiefel, Sandalen oder wandere barfuss durch die Gegend. Fuer einige Neben-"Berufe" verlasse ich mich allerdings auf stahlverstaerkte, Zehen sicherende Schuhe. Wie man der Foto entnehmen kann, haben diese Schuhe (und ich) einiges erlebt. Eines Tages werde ich wohl auch die Sohle mit Industrieleim wieder befestigen koennen.,
Brahma kosten zudem nur etwa die Haelfte was ansonsten Timberland fuer Konstruktionsschuhe verlangt.
Theme: Shoes / Zapata / Schuhe
Caption: No es bonita - pero con punta de acero y seguro! - Not pretty, but with steel toe and safe!
Hardware/Software: Motorola Droid / Instagram, Picasa
Brahma Boots,
Work Boots,
Cold - Kälte
![]() |
It's cold, tryin' to stay warm... / Es ist kalt, ein Feuer hiilft |
Sometimes an assignment from a list needs some tweaking - Central Texas doesn't get that many cold days, and snow only shows up about every three to four years. This shot of a fire (aka trying to stay warm in the cold) also shows the limitations of a smartphone, the vivid color temperature and the heat it produces shows the limitiations of a camera phone and/or digital photography. And still I think, the technology is more advanced and then some of the "point and shoots" I grew up with.used as a kid.
Manchmal ist es schwer, eine Aufgabe einfach umzusetzen und eine gewisse Kreativitaet ist gefragt. Hier in Zentral-Texas schneit es nur alle paar Jahre und kalte Tage sind nicht so häufig. Diese Aufnahme eines Feuers (es hilft gegen die Kälte) zeigt auch die Grenzen eines Handy und/oder gar der digitalen Fotographie auf. Die Hitze und die damit verbundenen Farbtemperaturen zeigen sich nicht im besten Licht. Und trotzdem finde ich, dass die heutige Technologie besser ist, als einige der günstigen (Point & Shoot) Kameras, mit denen ich aufgewachsen bin.
Theme: Cold / Kälte
Caption: It's cold, tryin' to stay warm... - Es ist kalt, ein Feuer hilft
Motorola Droid / Picasa / Instagram
Cold - Kaelte
![]() |
It's cold, tryin' to stay warm... / Es ist kalt, ein Feuer hiilft |
Sometimes an assignment from a list needs some tweaking - Central Texas doesn't get that many cold days, and snow only shows up about every three to four years. This shot of a fire (aka trying to stay warm in the cold) also shows the limitations of a smartphone, the vivid color temperature and the heat it produces does not well go with the camera phone. And still I think, the technology is more advanced and then some of the "point and shots" I grew up with.
Manchmal ist es schwer, eine Aufgabe einfach umzusetzen und eine gewisse Kreativitaet ist gefragt. Hier in Zentral-Texas schneit es nur alle paar Jahre und kalte Tage sind nicht so haeufig. Diese Aufnahme eines Feuers (es hilft gegen die Kaelte) zeigt auch die Grenzen eines Smart-Phones auf. Die Hitze und die damit verbundenen Farbentemperaturen zeigen sich nicht im besten Licht. Und trotzdem finde ich, dass die heutige Technologie besser ist, als einige der guenstigen Kameras, mit denen ich aufgewachsen bin.
Theme: Cold / Kaelte
Caption: It's cold, tryin' to stay warm... - Es ist kalt, ein Feuer hiilft
Hardware/Software: Motorola Droid / Instagram, Picasa
Picasa for Seniors By Ligthart, Jolanda (EDT)/ Kok, Mara (EDT)/ Groot, (Google Affiliate Ad)
![]() |
The toasts are over, please recycle - Los brindis son más, por favor recicle. |
As a member of two daily photo groups I will try this year to continue this photo-blog on a more constant and regular schedule. The daily pictures are taken according to a list, created by one or more members of one of the groups. I will also add occasional shots not mandated by any of the lists, as well as some "oldies" I missed to post in the last year(s).
One of the groups consists mostly of Spanish speaking members, so you will have to endure an occasional Spanish commentary.
I'm looking forward hearing from you!
Als ein Mitglied von zwei Fotographen-Gruppen, werde ich dieses Jahr versuchen diesen Foto-Blog regelmaessiger und mit mehr Konstanz weiterzufuehren. Die taeglichen Aufnahmen entstehen nach einer Liste, die von einem oder mehreren Mitgliedern der Gruppen kreiert wird. Ich werde zwischendurch auch Aufnahmen hier veroeffentlichen, die nicht von der Liste verlangt werdden oder die aus dem Archiv stammen und die bis anhin unveroeffentlicht sind.
Eine der Gruppen besteht mehrheitlich aus spanischsprechenden Mitgliedern, also kann es durchaus sein, dass sich halt auch mal ein spanischer Kommentar einschleicht.
Ich freue mich auf Eure Kommentare und Anregungen!
Theme: Toast / Brindis / Prost
Caption: The toasts are over, please recycle - Los brindis son más, por favor recicle - Die "Toasts" sind vorbei, bitte recycelt.
Hardware/Software: Motorola Droid / Instagram, Picasa
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The toasts are over, please recycle - Los brindis son más, por favor recicle. |
As a member of two daily photo groups I will try this year to continue this photo-blog on a more constant and regular schedule. The daily pictures are taken according to a list, created by one or more members of one of the groups. I will also add occasional shots not mandated by any of the lists, as well as some "oldies" I missed to post in the last year(s).
One of the groups consists mostly of Spanish speaking members, so you will have to endure an occasional Spanish commentary.
I'm looking forward hearing from you!
Als ein Mitglied von zwei Fotographen-Gruppen, werde ich dieses Jahr versuchen diesen Foto-Blog regelmaessiger und mit mehr Konstanz weiterzufuehren. Die taeglichen Aufnahmen entstehen nach einer Liste, die von einem oder mehreren Mitgliedern der Gruppen kreiert wird. Ich werde zwischendurch auch Aufnahmen hier veroeffentlichen, die nicht von der Liste verlangt werdden oder die aus dem Archiv stammen und die bis anhin unveroeffentlicht sind.
Eine der Gruppen besteht mehrheitlich aus spanischsprechenden Mitgliedern, also kann es durchaus sein, dass sich halt auch mal ein spanischer Kommentar einschleicht.
Ich freue mich auf Eure Kommentare und Anregungen!
Theme: Toast / Brindis / Prost
Caption: The toasts are over, please recycle - Los brindis son más, por favor recicle - Die "Toasts" sind vorbei, bitte recycelt.
Hardware/Software: Motorola Droid / Instagram, Picasa
Beer Cans,
Change of Year,
New Year,
New Year's Eve,
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